Welcome to eCampus! This platform belongs to the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences and provides you with all the important information about your administrative servivces, your …
research associates at the six SRH schools in 2022: the Berlin School of Management, the Berlin School of Technology, the Dresden School of Management, the Berlin School of Popular Arts, …
The SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences therefore publishes an annual report summarizing the scientific and artistic outputs and activities of professors and research associates of the …
Sciences, formerly SRH Hochschule Berlin. For the first time, a joint report is presented, which summarizes the scientific and artistic activities of professors and research associates at the …
Although it has been four years now, we still like to refer to our merger in 2019, when SRH Hochschule Berlin,Hochschule der Populären Künste and Design Akademie Berlin merged to …
Although it has been four years now, we still like to refer to our merger in 2019, when SRH Hochschule Berlin, Hochschule der Populären Künste and Design Akademie Berlin merged to …
Each student studying at SRH Hochschule Berlin (including exchange students) is required to submit proof of sufficient health insurance coverage until one week before the first day of …
STEP 1: Apply to the International Office of SRH Hochschule Berlin in order to be nominated for a place at the University of Nicosia. The deadline is the end of March prior to the academic year …
Die Hochschule liegt zentral in Wien und somit im Herzen von Europa- perfekt für das studentische Leben außerhalb. Die Partnerschaft zwischen SRH Berlin und der FH Wien …