In the Pact for the Future, the international community committed to protect all civilians in armed conflict and for people ...
Damascus (ICRC) — Our teams in Syria, including in Damascus, have been closely monitoring the fast-evolving security and ...
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is grateful for the opportunity to address this Open-Ended Working Group ...
Moot Court Competition (China round) concluded on 24 November in Guilin University of Electronic Technology (GUET), China.
Les secouristes prennent d’énormes risques en tentant d’atteindre les blessés et les personnes en détresse. Ils doivent ...
Маленькая девочка не теряет надежды: семилетняя Батул играет с детьми возле центра временного размещения в пригороде Бейрута, ...