The online portal Urlaubsguru has announced details of the launch of its tour operator. Urlaubsguru Touristik's first ...
The European Commission has given its final approval to Lufthansa's entry into the Italian state-owned airline ITA. With the ...
Tour operator Bentour is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2024 and is posting record figures. The Turkey specialist announces expanded offers, new hotels and services for 2025.
Luis Maroto has presented his plans for the travel tech provider Amadeus. The Group CEO emphasised the central role of strategic acquisitions and outlined three growth paths on which he is focusing.
The European Commission has given its final approval to Lufthansa's entry into the Italian state-owned airline ITA. With the concessions made by the ...more ...
Tourism Ireland hat mit seiner Werbekampagne einen Preis bei der Natourale gewonnen. Gegen wen sich der Image-Film ...
Angesichts großer operativer Herausforderungen an den Drehkreuzen in Frankfurt und München macht die Lufthansa die ...
Cluburlaub liegt weiter im Trend. Die Hotelmarken reagieren darauf, indem sie neue Clubs bauen und ältere modernisieren. Was ...
Neue Budgethotels und Spartipps für Familien sowie Frühbucherrabatte bis Ende Februar 2025: Damit lockt TUI Kunden für den ...