Paramount+'s comedy Christmas movie Dear Santa sees Jack Black playing the demon Asmodeus disguised as Santa, but the ...
Dear Santa is one of 2024’s most interesting Christmas movies so far, following a young boy who accidentally sends his ...
A Minecraft Movie has a new trailer giving us a taste at the kind of story moviegoers can expect. The trailer predominately ...
The 55-year-old comedian was still sporting a burly grey beard as he listened to wireless headphones while hauling a black backpack to match his puffer jacket. Jack's (born Thomas Jacob Black ...
Jack Black apparently got very into his role as Steve while shooting the upcoming Minecraft movie, spending his filming ...
The trailer for a new film starring Jack Black has received mixed reactions with some fans 'excited' that it could be a ...
The comic actor is set to star in the live-action part adaptation of the global video game phenomenon Minecraft ...
Hollywood couple Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall are most well-known for films they starred in during the 1940s, but their ...
Check it out here. And you can watch Jack Black and Jason Momoa chew the scenery when A Minecraft Movie releases April 4th.
Minecraft continues to prepare for its live-action movie. Mojang's game made its way to the big screen with real actors and ...
It also marks the filmmakers’ reunion with their Shallow Hal star Jack Black, who here plays the Unsanta, namely Satan, who’s summoned from Heck when an unsuspecting kid lets a fatal typo fly ...