The groundbreaking first year of the 21st-century reimagining of Spider-Man, one of the greatest comic book eras in history!
Its unique premise makes it stand out from other graphic novels, as well as the masterful way in which it interconnects the three characters' backgrounds. Amazing Spider-Man: Hooky pits Spider-Man ...
Chris Arrant, EIC at Popverse reported, "Absolute Batman #1 is absolutely the best-selling comic book of the year (so far)" ...
Ultimate Spider-Man stars an older Peter Parker ... for the top 27 Batman graphic novels and the top 25 Spider-Man graphic novels. Jesse is a mild-mannered staff writer for IGN.
No one dies this time. But is a red-haired woman at the end of a gun as a result of Spider-Man's actions a foreshadowing of what may be to come? Ultimate Spider-Man #11 by Jonathan Hickman and ...