Blood tests are often the first port of call for women experiencing perimenopause symptoms, but according to gynecologist Dr.
From hot flashes to weight gain to navigating hormone replacement therapy (HRT), perimenopause can be overwhelming. And with ...
Dr El-Modir explained that the cancer can affect any part of your liver, which is found above your stomach on the right side ...
Cancer treatments have come on over recent years but it is still vital to spot it early to have the best chance of beating it ...
With the withdrawal of HRT treatments for the menopause some women will feel compelled to pay for an alternative brand of ...
Cervical cancer can develop without noticeable symptoms. However, these 8 early signs of cervical cancer may appear as the ...
At the heart of a hot flush lies oestrogen – a hormone critical role in regulating body temperature in women. Oestrogen ...
After a multi-month gap in her menstrual cycle, 45-year-old Tracy Norton went to the doctor to check that she was going ...
Instead, the conversation around menopause will ideally soon match the “openness about talking about periods and your bodies ...
Model Chrissy Teigen has enviably perfect, bushy eyebrows - but it wasn't always so. Back in 2021 Teigen took to social media ...
In addition to hot flashes and mood changes, menopause has lesser-known symptoms that can deeply affect quality of life ...
4. Mood swings: Menopause is equivalent to mood swings. One may suddenly feel extremely sad at one moment and happy at ...