The vast and expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise has recruited countless actors into its ranks. But the MCU isn't ...
Brave New World villain The Leader was included in the MCU movie's Funko Pop lineup, giving fans their best look at the ...
Netflix's highly anticipated Hulk Hogan biopic starring Chris Hemsworth as the wrestling legend is no longer happening.
The Hulk Buster armor may be key in the battle between Captain America and the Red Hulk.
Captain America co-writers Evan Narcisse and Greg Pak tease Sam's upcoming fight with Red Hulk, surprise guest stars and more ...
Mark Ruffalo is jumping on the viral Wicked trend.
It is 30 years since The Shawshank Redemption debuted, but it remains as beloved as ever, and its star Tim Robbins credits ...
A new Captain America is depicted on the Brave New World poster, highlighting a clash with the Red Hulk. The poster is ...
New World Order [L to R: Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan] / [Author's Note: Adam Barnard is the co-host of "Mind of the Meanie" with The Blue Meanie.] During this limited return time in ...
Here’s how it works. Figuring out how to watch the Star Wars movies in order can be a difficult task, thanks to just how many movies and TV shows make up the galaxy far, far away. With Skeleton ...
There was a period in wrestling history where the industry, thanks to WWE, crossed over into the mainstream. At the helm of ...