In the opening pages of his book “ Crunchy Cons ,” published in 2006, the conservative writer Rod Dreher described leaving ...
You're never too young to start eating for your heart. Science suggests these foods could help prevent clogged arteries. The ...
Chen said the study findings were “entirely consistent with many previous studies which found that eating more plant-based ...
What if the key to protecting your heart was as simple as rethinking what's on your dinner plate? Researchers say it's time ...
Regularly eating more plant-based than animal protein may significantly lower your cardiovascular and coronary heart disease ...
Eating a diet with a higher ratio of plant-based protein to animal-based protein may reduce the risk of cardiovascular ...
Not so coincidentally, foods and habits that support brain health are also good for the heart, yet another reason to put them into practice.
Researchers at Acadia University find that wine drinkers are more accepting of pasta sauce formulated with the addition of grape pomace than those who do not drink wine.
A food allergy happens when the immune system reacts to a certain food protein. Although symptoms can be the same, food allergies are different than a food intolerance. Food intolerance does not ...
If left untreated it can lead to severe health crises such as heart attacks and strokes ... However, while certain foods can hike up your blood pressure, others might help to lower it.