The film unfolds in parallel through two narrative threads, one telling the story of Michael Corleone’s gradual path to becoming a ruthless gang leader, and the other harking back to how a young Vito ...
Police are investigating after gang of masked men were seen trying to get inside a city property in the early hours. Officers had been called out to Glaisher Drive in Meir Park where cops searched ...
The Bears-Vikings game on Sunday evening was delayed after a chain gang official collapsed to the ground, part of a scary scene in the overtime session. He was taken into the medical tent, and they ...
It seems some of the animosity between Denzel Washington and Josh Brolin‘s characters in American Gangster momentarily bled out off-screen in a heated exchange during filming. In a recent ...
American Gangster opened in 2007, earning critical acclaim and an Oscar nomination for co-star Ruby Dee. The movie marked Washington’s first collaboration with Ridley Scott, whose involvement ...
Josh Brolin opened up about a tense encounter with Denzel Washington on the set of Ridley Scott’s 2007 crime drama, American Gangster. Speaking on the “In Depth With Graham Bensinger ...
As of midnight last night, it is illegal for gang members to wear their patches out in public. Not only that - the Government also wants the cops to stop gang members hanging-out together in public.
Police have already acted on the new gang patch ban. The Gangs Act 2024 came into effect at midnight last night, banning the public wear of gang patches and insignia. New Police Commissioner ...
A local man was found to have a loaded handgun in his carry-on bag at Pittsburgh International Airport Wednesday morning. Transportation Security Administration officials said TSA officers ...