It’s easy for us to focus on the needs of our own churches. After all, this is where and to whom God has called us to serve.
With the Paul Mescal-led sequel dominating the box office the question remains whether Ridley Scott is interested in ...
The 2025 Jubilee will bring tourists to the Vatican, Rome and Italy to celebrate the Catholic tradition of patrons asking for ...
Today, the Jerusalem Cross is still the main insignia of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem — the Latin Catholic diocese for ...
You see them, heads close together, chatting quietly, in their favourite restaurants in Rome. It might be Velando, close to ...
Imagine being a farmer tasked with harvesting an entire field of fruit during the busy harvest season. Such an undertaking ...
This is a love letter to MUBI Go, MUBI's service that gives subscribers a weekly free ticket to a specially selected film, ...
The author of a new book based on interviews with Pope Francis discussed the Holy Father’s views on Christian hope ...
I heard many tales from the attendees who came from various Christian strains. No doctrines, nor dogma. … Simply stories from ...
National Geographic explorer Paul Salopek has been recreating the journey, on foot, of the first humans. He tells Host Marco Werman about his walk, in 2013, through Jordan into the Israeli occupied ...