Diotima, the female philosopher in Plato's Symposium, has puzzled historians for centuries with her theory of love and beauty ...
Neem Karoli Baba, an Indian mystic, profoundly influenced tech leaders like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorsey with ...
Assuming any of this is even close to true, what then does it mean to “do philosophy?” ...
Hey Hunters, I sat through hours and hours of Randall's Youtube to collate together a concise run through of the data he uses ...
As a Catholic philosopher and avid student of Aquinas, I am always fielding questions about whether this medieval saint is ...
Introduction: In a career that defies categorization, Caroline Joan (Kay) S. Picart has forged an extraordinary path across ...
In the face of a Republican party that, regardless of what it has gotten right, has subscribed to a cult of personality and returned to power on a story anathema to democracy itself, can Harvard ...
The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and its deep application in the field of education have promoted changes in educational concepts, teaching methods, and other aspects. The ...
Looking to incorporate Du Bois into your teaching pedagogy? This article provides an overview of Du Bois’s teaching philosophy. The author points out that a Du Boisian pedagogy would be reflexive, ...