4. Mood swings: Menopause is equivalent to mood swings. One may suddenly feel extremely sad at one moment and happy at ...
Instead, the conversation around menopause will ideally soon match the “openness about talking about periods and your bodies ...
But perimenopause deserves attention and care, and starting the conversation with your doctor is an important step toward ...
But it's what you discover when you step on your scales that can take most of us by surprise, says Dr. Gottfried.
Doctors have revealed the common symptoms that could be a sign of the perimenopause. The perimenopause is the stage before the menopause. During this time your hormones start to change but your ...
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Blood tests are often the first port of call for women experiencing perimenopause symptoms, but according to gynecologist Dr.
During menopause, women tend to experience a range of symptoms. The intensity and severity of these symptoms may vary from person to person. Recognising these signs and symptoms early can help ...
After a multi-month gap in her menstrual cycle, 45-year-old Tracy Norton went to the doctor to check that she was going ...
Struggling with menopause cravings and a relentless appetite? Learn how to harness hunger and take back your power.