But large-scale computer models of the mantle suggest that this layer of Earth probably does mix efficiently. If that's the case, it's possible that magmas all start out the same in the lower ...
Drewitt, J. W. E., Walter, M. J., Zhang, H., McMahon, S. C., Edwards, D., Heinen, B. J., Lord, O. T., Anzellini, S., & Kleppe, A. K. (2019). The fate of carbonate in ...
Here different colors trace different components of Gaia and Theia. The lower mantle of Gaia, denoted by the dashed circle with a radius of 0.8 Earth radii (RE), is only marginally contaminated by ...
The potential compositional boundary was typically put at 660 km depth, corresponding to the major seismic discontinuity that marks the boundary between the upper mantle and lower mantle.
Interestingly, there was then a rollback process, as a result of which the subducted plate steepened again and progressed deeper below the Eurasian plate, reaching the upper-lower mantle interface ...