Vale S.A. (NYSE:VALE) is a global company practicing sustainable mining and has a presence in 20 countries. It was founded in ...
11 Bit Studios' harrowing side-scrolling survival game This War of Mine is ten years old today. And to mark the occasion, 11 Bit has unveiled Forget Celebrations, a new charity DLC being released ...
No estado de Minas Gerais, a Prefeitura de Itabira anuncia a prorrogação das inscrições para o Processo Seletivo destinado a preencher 41 vagas para cargos de níveis fundamental, médio e superior.
The Bald Hill mine will cease operations immediately. The decision is the latest in a string of mine closures across Australia after a slump in the lithium price made most production unviable.
ative o JavaScript ou considere uma atualização para um navegador da Web que suporte vídeo HTML5 Uma mulher morreu depois de ser atingida por um ônibus do transporte coletivo de Itabira ...
Approximately 4,500 illegal miners are underground at a mine in the North West as Operation Vala Umngodi intensifies. Law enforcement agencies are reportedly at exit points at mines to process ...
Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] YAOUNDE, Cameroon (AP) — The military ...
Neighbors in Alaska see an existential threat. Several working or planned mines are near rivers that run across the border into Alaska. Those that have been tested in recent years have met U.S ...
The Federal Government has declined the proposal to establish the Nigeria Mines Ranger Service (NMRS), intended to combat illegal and artisanal mining according to reports from the News Agency of ...
On the campaign trail both Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris asserted their support for mining, with policy proposals looking to address reliance on foreign supply chains for ...