Look no further if you’re interested in saving cash and still finding the right gift for a gun owner on your holiday shopping ...
where he heard the plaintiffs, a group of gun owners and sellers, who argued the weapons that had been banned were commonly ...
The court noted the defense’s argument that the evidence of PW10 does not comply with legal requirements and that ...
After almost a year of testimony in a sweeping gang and racketeering indictment against Young Thug and an initial other 27 ...
Yes, your Christmas lights can be a top fire hazard. To ensure a safe holiday, we spoke to electrical industry expert Dan ...
Spencer Lawton Jr., a former Georgia district attorney who worked to expand the rights of crime victims and prosecuted a Savannah ...
Brazilian nanny Juliana Peres Magalhães and her boss Brendan Banfield are accused of plotting to kill Brendan’s wife ...
So, in this article, we will talk about some home defense guns that are preferred around ... is optimum for cartridge capacity and mounting accessories and unsuitable for concealed carry. Also, the ...
The 168-page ruling, by Donald Trump-appointee Stephen McGlynn, deals a sharp blow to reformers and marks the latest major court ruling to expand gun ... defense scenarios that the modern American may ...
SPOKANE, Wash. — A man was arrested for assault and unlawful possession of firearms in Spokane Valley early Wednesday morning ...
WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – A fire damaged a vacant, boarded-up home near downtown Wichita early Monday. It happened around 5 a.m.