Joker and Joker 2 directed by Todd Philips and led by Joaquin Phoenix followed the story of Aruther Fleck, a DC character known as Joker in the cinematic universe. The film explores Arthur's ...
For 2024, this dynamic duo of holiday events join for a full winter escape for all ages – all under one roof.
Like "Dune," "Wicked" only covers the first half of the story. The musical-turned-movie's sequel is set to hit theaters in ...
In Juror #2, Kemp’s alcoholism stains him in a similar way: he can’t shake it, it’s something he has to live with and fight for the ... buy tickets to movies. But this reality is often ...
Like, do you enjoy movie ... Season 2 on Netflix. Russell plays Kate Wyler, a career diplomat tapped by the White House to ...
Wicked: Part 2 is slated to debut in theaters on November 21, 2025, featuring almost the same cast. Director Jon M. Chu officially addressed splitting the movie into two parts in a statement on X ...
Clint Eastwood, 94, has acted in over 60 movies, many of which he also directed. But he only starred in two World War 2 movies and directed several others. Film fans have ranked these four ...
Gladiator 2 starring Paul Mescal as Lucius offers epic, high-octane violence in a Roman Empire setting. Despite historical inaccuracies, movies like Gladiator & Napoleon provide epic, enthralling ...
Nessa's big Act 2 song "The Wicked Witch of The East" is already noticeably missing from the Original Broadway Cast recording, and I didn't want the same fate to plague the movie. While the second ...
Ridley Scott's late-coming sequel "Gladiator II" stakes few claims to necessity, but the action epic definitely entertains.