The documentary series first aired on Prime Video in 2021, and follows the former Top Gear host as he attempts to run his 1,000-acre Diddly Squat farm near ... there was more water in my lungs ...
Farm ditches crops for a green harvest of fizzy drinks - The Layton family have converted their cattle farm into a ...
Casey "Oh gosh this thing is amazing!! I can add three rolls of the yellow heat tape! It dispenses beautifully and makes ...
He shot to fame by appearing in the Prime Video series Clarkson's Farm. The hit show follows Jeremy Clarkson in his journey managing Diddly Squat Farm. Over the years Kaleb has become the former ...
Despite being heavily involved in the running of the farm, Kaleb does not own Diddly Squat farm. Jeremy bought the property back in 2008, but only started running it in 2020. The 1000-acre farm is ...
Jeremy Clarkson lifted the lid on the truths behind farming and admitted he failed to highlight significant “problems” in the agricultural industry. The former Top Gear presenter has become a ...
There are practical and clever reasons why packaging tequila in squat bottles is smart, but where did it originate? The story ...
But away from his unexpected overnight stardom, who is Cooper and what is his life like outside of Diddly Squat Farm? We take a look at Cooper's world, including the early experiences that shaped him, ...
The Grand Tour star was recently involved in a fiery interview with Victoria Derbyshire after the BBC presenter questioned whether he bought his Diddly Squat farm to avoid inheritance tax.
Jeremy Clarkson, your country needs you! Please take a sabbatical from Diddly Squat Farm, and enter the political fray. You would eat this dreadful Labour Government alive, and send our rotten ...
Cooper joined the cast of Clarkson's Farm as a tractor driver, assisting TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson with the daily operations of his Diddly Squat Farm, nestled between Chipping Norton and ...