Classic shonen anime tropes endure as beloved staples when creators add fresh, innovative twists to keep them engaging and ...
Cait May, Eren Angiolini, and Hannah Friederichs explain how they got noticed — and how budding artists can get a start.
Here’s another cool print from artist Tim Clinard for Ridley Scott’ s classic sci-fi horror film Alien , that was done in the ...
A creative Pokemon fan gives the famous Gen 2 Bug/Steel hybrid Scizor a demon-like makeover inspired by another popular ...
Anique Inc., in partnership with NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan, announces the return of "Weird Exhibition: Welcome to the Wired," celebrating Serial Experiments Lain's 25th anniversary with an ...
A talented Pokemon fan devises a new form of the legendary Rayquaza inspired by the Upper Moons of the popular Demon Slayer ...
It was announced that the Original English Light Novel, The Protector by Trent Moullae, has received a release date of ...
There’s good news for fans of Tanjiro and company, as it seems the collaboration between Fortnite and Demon Slayer will soon ...
Fans were delighted by the reveal, as it showcased not only his mysterious looks but also his unshakeable determination and commitment to his craft. twitter The 'Demon Slayer' series is famous for ...
A disabled Hawthorn supporter has recalled the moment a Demons supporter viciously attacked him in an exclusive interview with 7NEWS. Ben Ploegmakers, 31, says he was taunted by the Melbourne fan ...
one horrified fan wrote on social media. “I was not prepared to cry over the death of Mr Darcy in the new Bridget Jones movie; IS MARK DARCY DEAD???” asked another. One user admitted ...