Prevention of aspiration requires more attention to suctioning, head of bed elevation, paralysis during intubation and fully ...
Chronic pain can cause disabling suffering, and in the world of complex abdominal wall repair, is unfortunately and ...
The use of epidural analgesia during labor was associated with a 35% reduction in cases of severe maternal morbidity.
Amid the ever-growing toll of the opioid epidemic, chronic pain remains both discouragingly common and difficult to treat.
Biofilms make ventilator-associated pneumonia even harder to treat, and adding enzymes to antimicrobial treatment could be a ...
There are excellent arguments in favor of standardizing regional anesthesia, and yet restricting clinical choices may be ...
AI may be helpful in surgery and perioperative medicine, particularly in the setting of time constraints and uncertainty when ...
New research demonstrated the  safety and healthcare resource advantages of  Caldolor over ketorolac in both adult and ...
A new study has yielded interesting insights into the association between the amount of time spent in neurocognitive distress ...
Subpar supervision and a lack of standardized policies and procedures led to postoperative paraplegia in a patient undergoing ...
David Earle, MD, speaks with surgeon and data analytics specialist, Bruce Ramshaw, MD, about using data and AI technology like ChatGPT to make surgical decisions.